About Madison Ventures+
Madison Ventures+ (with its predecessors, “Madison Ventures+” or “MV+”) was founded at 400 Madison Avenue in NYC on the philosophy that great ideas need great vision, originality, leadership and execution to succeed.
Over its 28+ year history, MV+ has established an exceptional track record of successfully building and revitalizing niche business platforms and assets through capital investment, thought leadership, active collaboration and “elbow grease”. MV+ was a pioneer in the private/venture equity industry in its adoption of a fundless investment model, utilizing bespoke direct investments through SPV’s as opposed to funds.
Madison Ventures+ has repeatedly identified off-market, high risk-adjusted return investment opportunities in a wide range of overlooked sectors in real estate, specialty finance, healthcare innovation and wellness, and other industries opportunistically. Since its inception, MV+ has averaged an annualized return on investment of more than 39%, with a sub-5% loss ratio, on approximately $1 billion of invested equity capital. Madison Ventures+ is your trusted and innovative boutique private investment partner with a personal touch.
Madison Ventures+ has offices in West Palm Beach and Denver.
At Madison Ventures+, we empower investors to partner with and grow profitable and valuable companies.
Our Investment Strike Zone
We focus on structural, long-lived arbitrage opportunities that create an asymmetric reward versus risk profile. These asymmetries may be caused by niche white space, sub-institutional investment sizing, operational and regulatory complexity and/or distressed or restructuring situations.
Expertly Tailored Investment Vehicles
As a "fundless sponsor", we source equity capital from varied sources, including institutions, family offices and UHNW individuals, as well as the principals of the firm itself. Each investment is structured uniquely to best fit the bespoke business plan of the company and investor needs.
Decidedly Hands-on Approach
We hold significant board, C-level and operational roles in the companies in which we invest, affording us both great control of and visibility into the business.

“Great ideas certainly make a difference, but 95% of value is created by excellent execution, when a small group of leaders and teammates band together with a cohesive vision and plan. And that all stems from the institutional operating partners you bring in to lead and build these enterprises.”
Bryan E. Gordon
Chairman, CEO & Founder